
Are you ready for it?

Are you ready to take a big, brave leap to understand yourself in a deeper way? To create a life where you show up authentically and feel oh so good in your skin? To dream those big dreams - and then actually work to reach them?

If so, I’m so glad you’re here. You are my kind of people.

I work well with folks who know they’re ready for that next, often times, scary step. Folks who know they’re on the verge of something and are curious about it…who know their own worth and who want to do some work to live that life they know they deserve. I respect our emotions above all, and how they influence and interact with our thoughts and behaviors. When all are in alignment, that’s when we create that much needed shift - of perspective, of change, of challenge - toward the work, environments, and people who love and cherish us the most.


If you’re curious about that next step, if you’re ready to do some hard work, and if you can trust a new process, then let’s get to work. Folks seem to find me when they have experienced a grief, when they need to make a life transition, and when they want a different perspective on current relationships. I specialize in various forms of trauma and I’m also interested in how we can create meaningful and intimate connections with others.

At the end of the day, I am a trauma therapist who is committed to living my own best life and helping others to do the same. We all experience those life uncertainties, where what we thought was going to happen, actually didn’t. And so we need to shift - and sometimes in big ways - in order to live the life we want, need, and deserve. I have been a mental health practitioner for over 15 years, serving in a number of positions and working with a diverse clientele. I opened this private practice in the middle of the pandemic because I was struggling in the unknown and I knew that others were as well. I’ve slowly built this business with the next generations in mind and it is not lost on me how sacred this work is.

In addition to being a trauma therapist, I am also a sex therapist. I have learned that many folks have lots of ideas about what intimacy and connection are, and they want them to be present in their relationships. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of damage done when it comes to the sexual parts of relationships. Unrealistic and untrue ideas have been taught and forced upon this society - from the pulpit, from social media, from books - giving misinformation about how needed intimacy and connection are in relationships. It is my belief that connection and intimacy are what makes us human. And that’s how I approach sex therapy. If this is something that resonates with you, or makes you curious to know more, I just may be your person.

I can’t wait to meet you.